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MINERALIVORES - Including New Creatures

By Gary Gygax

The LA game is a trifle short of interesting mineral-based monsters, so I decided to do something about that. Funny thing is, though, the submissions from the active fans sort of shot me down, so all of these are from other designers. No question in my mind that the LA fans are creative!







Drillipede 1 sp.




21-30 +11-20 sp.

11-20 sp.

Immature 1-8




11-20 sp.

10 sp.





31-50 +21-40 sp.

21-40 sp.







Rock Grub 11-20




special & 1-12


Stone Mantis  1



15 sp.

2 x 9-30 +13-16 & sp.






2 x 1-20 +3-5


Th’Ashlar  3-12




3-20 +2-8


Th’Ore  2-8



5/15 sp.


18 & sp.

Xagmite 10 – 200






Drillipedes in General

Drillipedes are large creatures that eat their way through rock in the depths of the Earth. They avoid soil. Millennia ago, intelligent subterranean races bred (and magically altered) their progenitors to enhance their instinctive behavior and increase their usefulness. These creatures are now rarely seen, either because they are few in number or because they are kept secret by races using them (both their actions and byproducts are of value). Drillipedes create patterns of passages and chambers in solid rock, much as bees build honeycombs or spiders spin webs. Their structures may look like symmetric natural caves and caverns (and no doubt did originally), but they usually imitate humanoid architectural patterns, complete with pillared halls, tunnels with arched ceilings, stairways, archways, and so on. The construction styles might seem like those of dockalfar or dwarves of any era, the eldritch geometry of lost races, or even a mix. They can learn new styles if they encounter them, and pass on the repertoire genetically to their offspring. The work is structurally sound and precisely crafted, but not notably artistic. Humanoids often move into these constructions and add doors and decoration.

Drillipedes look like enormous millipedes, colored a dark, mottled red overall, with pale rose legs and underside. Their powerful mandibles have many overlapping shearing and grinding plates. Their small eyes see in complete darkness as a human does at dusk, and see in dim light (glowlichen to torchlight) as a human does in twilight. In brighter light they can barely see at all: it causes them pain, and they will retreat from it unless defending themselves or their young. They communicate among themselves using subsonic vibrations, which travel many miles through rock. These vibrations also let them map out cavities, water, and magma to avoid flooding or immolating themselves, get safe access to water, skirt heavily populated areas, and join their passages neatly to existing ones. It is thought that they have a perfect mental map of everywhere they have been. They are semi-intelligent at best except in their architectural work and ability to solve the problems of underground excavation.

The shearing and grinding plates in their powerful jaws are of a very hard abrasive material. (We would recognize it as mostly silicon carbide and tungsten carbide studded with industrial diamonds: it is a good abrasive, but has neither gem value nor uses in weaponry.) This, and a highly acidic saliva, lets adults chew through hard rock at about 1500 cubic feet (15 x 10 x 10) per day, double that for soft rock. (Rogue drillipedes, see hereafter, get through two to four times that volume.) They digest most of the mineral, but eventually excrete very rich ore—about 1 cubic foot of excreta per 1000 of rock, depending on the content of the rock. This is rolled into large balls and stored as food for the young—although other races take much of it. Digestion produces oxygen as a byproduct. Glowlichen often grows on drillipedes’ exoskeletons. It seems to cause no harm, but they scrape it off from time to time, thus spreading it about the subterranean realms. Their chitin and mandibles constantly self-repair, growing and thickening from the inside.

Both sexes of the species create passages to move from place to place, to seek out water and join up spaces underground to allow free travel. While progress may be slow, they live for centuries. Every decade or so, a male adult creates a nesting complex near a water source, generally a central chamber with 4-6 side chambers and a few passageways. He will often (75%) imitate any constructed areas nearby. A subsonic mating call is then sent out. Females (who concentrate on networking rather than nest-making) arrive via existing passages to inspect the work. If the chamber is well constructed, with perfectly level floors, a satisfying number of pillars and arches, pleasing symmetry, and so on, mating takes place. The pair stay together during the gestation and initial growth of the young (4-6 weeks), jointly creating more chambers in that time. The young are born live, and grow quickly, feeding on the rich ore balls stockpiled in the side chambers, and leaving only small amounts of precious metals, hard crystals, and gems undigested (and deposited in one place). The parents separate and leave shortly after the young exceed 20 feet in length and can defend themselves. The young may instinctively detail the rooms and halls, fluting or spiraling pillars, incising simple patterns in floors, walls, and ceilings, carving small niches into the walls, and so on. After a few months, or if the ore has been finished or removed by others for its non-precious content, they leave the nest. They become adults after a few years, at which stage their growth rate slows further.

Adults and juveniles may work together on large passages connecting areas important to the species (cysts in the underdeeps, and so on). Several adult males may work on more elaborate complexes, in case several females become interested, and complexes may build up over the decades into intricate mazes of rooms and halls. If a light-using race occupies a complex, the drillipedes abandon it and start work on a new one elsewhere.

The young are prey to wyrms and similar creatures, but nothing much bothers the older drillipedes, and intelligent races may well protect them. The few drillipedes that live to be more than three centuries old become infertile, and grow into solitary rogues, delving ever deeper into the Earth. This state approaches the ancestral existence of the species. Their burrowing usually reverts to plainer and more primitive forms, most often natural-looking, and they create ever larger tunnels and caverns (of necessity, since they are now huge themselves). They may live as long as a millennium, growing slowly all the time. They seem to get more irritable and aggressive with age, so it is as well that rogues are almost never met.


Appearing: 1 (10% chance of 2; if so, 30% chance of 1-8 helpless young)

H: 45-90    P: 41-60    S: 12

The drillipede is 45-90 feet long, as indicated by its Health, and a tenth of that length in diameter. Roll a d10 to establish its Health (40 + d10 x 5) and Precision (40 + d20). It cannot climb on walls and ceilings, but can rear to half its height. If excavating very large chambers or passageways, it starts at the top and works down. It will flee light brighter than torchlight unless defending itself or its young, and will rarely attack unless attacked. A mated pair may, if pickings have been very lean (10%), attempt to eat metal-armored persons to provide more nutritious ore for imminent offspring, though.

Attack: The drillipede attacks with a shearing bite that chomps through normal or preternatural armor for 21-30 Harm plus 11-20 acid Harm to both the victim and his armor (supernatural or better armor will protect the victim, but still suffers Harm). If it is mortally wounded, it will function for one more ABC, and during that time expel its remaining powerfully acidic saliva in a great gout over its attackers. This attack affects an area of 10-foot radius, up to 50 feet from the drillipede, and does 26-35 points of acid Harm to all those in the area, and their armor and exposed gear (shields, drawn weapons, and so on). Supernatural or better armor will protect the victims, but still suffers damage.

Defense: The drillipede has tough chitinous plates, several inches thick, providing 11-20 points of armor against all normal and half that amount against preternatural attack forms (10 points + 1 point per 5-foot increment over 40 feet of the beast's length). It is immune to toxins and acids of any sort.

Drillipede, immature:

Appearing: 1-8

H: 21-40    P: 16-25    S: 18

The immature drillipede is 1-foot in diameter and 10 feet long when born, growing  quickly on the food left by its parents to reach 21-40 feet in length, as indicated by its Health, and a tenth of that in diameter. At this stage, it can climb walls and ceilings. Its jaws are not as well developed as those of its parents. It will flee light brighter than torchlight, and will rarely attack unless attacked. There is a chance (10%) that one will mistake a metal-armored person for a piece of tasty ore and attempt to eat him or her, though. It will usually retreat quickly if its meal bites back.

Attacks: The immature drillipede attacks with a bite that chomps through normal armor for 11-20 Harm to both the victim and his armor (preternatural or better armor will protect the victim, but still suffers Harm).

Defense: The immature drillipede has tough chitinous plates providing 10 points of armor against all normal attack forms. It takes half damage from toxins and acids of any sort.

Drillipede, Rogue:

Appearing: 1

H: 91-190    P: 61-80    S: 6

The rogue drillipede is 91-190 feet long, as indicated by its Health, and a tenth of that in diameter. Roll d% to establish its Health (90 + d%) and a d20 for its Precision (60 + d20). It cannot climb on walls and ceilings, but can rear to a quarter of its height. If excavating very large chambers or passageways, it starts at the top and works down. It will attack bearers of light brighter than torchlight if they don't remove themselves from its presence, and sometimes may attack out of bad temper anyway—5% per 10 points of Health over 90 (5% at 91-100, 10% at 101-110, and so on). This chance is doubled if potential victims are buzzing around making a lot of noise, using Activations, and the like.

Attack: The rogue drillipede attacks every other ABC with a powerful shearing bite that chomps through any armor for 31-50 Harm plus 21-40 acid Harm to both the victim and his armor (normal, preternatural, or supernatural). If it is mortally wounded, it will function for one more ABC, and during that time expel its remaining powerfully acidic saliva in a great gout over its attackers. This attack affects an area of 20-foot radius, up to 100 feet from the drillipede, and does 36-55 acid Harm to all those in the area, and their armor and exposed gear (shields, drawn weapons, and so on), whether normal, preternatural, or supernatural.

Defense: The rogue drillipede has tough chitinous plates, up to a foot thick, providing 21-40 points of armor against all normal, half that against preternatural, and one-quarter against supernatural attack forms (20 points + 1 point per 5-foot increment over 90 feet of the beast's length). It is immune to natural heat less than that of molten lava, toxins and acids of any sort, and any form of mind control or paralysis.

(All of the above with thanks to Malcolm bowers.)

Igneolids in General

Igneolids are gigantic worm-like creatures that tunnel through igneous rock (granite, basalt, and so on), melting and eating it, and often any encountered life forms, as they go. They avoid sedimentary rocks and soil.

An igneolid looks something like a muscular worm crossed with a squid. The roughly cylindrical body, 180 feet long, splits at the head into a dozen 30-foot-long tentacles, which it keeps pinched together when it travels in open areas such as deep caverns. The body is 21 feet in diameter at the head, 18 feet diameter 90 feet further on; the tail tapers over the last 60 feet. Propulsion is aided by primitive flipper-like appendages spaced around the body—three staggered bands of six such appendages. The body is mottled violet and dark gray, with three lines of shimmering indigo oval plates along its length; the flippers and tentacles are purple; the 6 teardrop-shaped sensory nodes (eyes, ears, and perhaps more) around the head are glossy black. The interior mouth and gut are the bright orange of a furnace (which the gut is, more or less).

The igneolid uses its electrical discharge for tunneling through the rock it ingests, focusing it to melt the material. It can move fast (12), letting most of the rock melt pass through it, or more slowly (1), creating large tubes relatively free of debris.

The rarely seen igneolids may be nearly as old as the world itself. It is thought that they live and breed in the molten rock in the deeps of the earth. They have been known to travel in magma flows, and eruptions have brought some to the surface. There are unconfirmed rumors that some primitives worship them as gods when they appear in volcano craters: if so then perhaps some means of communication is possible. Only adults are have been met; younger creatures would be proportionately less powerful (40% + d5 x 10% of adult statistics).

Igneolids store the electricity their muscle movement generates in a series of connected nodes along their bodies, under the oval plates. The nodes are root-like metallic structures around clusters of quartz crystals. A day’s work with a supernaturally sharp blade could extract valuable material from a dead igneolid’s tough flesh — after it has cooled for one or two days. It is possible to smelt the 500 pounds of conductive nodes to get half that weight of copper and silver, and also to collect about 20 pounds (45,400 carats) of tear-shaped quartz crystals (uncut gems, hard, 70% common, 30% uncommon). That said, there are probably easier ways to get wealth than by tangling with one of these creatures.


Appearing: 1

H: 360    P: 72    S: 12

Attack: The 150-ton igneolid’s primary attack form is electrical. When it spreads its mouth-tentacles apart in a star shape, it can generate a searing, lilac-hued electrical discharge; this crackles forward in a conical area of effect that is 30-foot diameter at the mouth and extends to a point 30 feet away. All in the area of effect take 21–30 Harm, double if the subject is at the point of the cone or in contact with a large amount of ferrous metal, triple if both.

The igneolid may instead attempt to eat relatively passive opponents (unconscious or cowering, for instance), bundling one such victim per ABC down its throat with its tentacles for 1–20 Harm. Inside the monster it is as hot as a furnace, doing 9–12 points of Harm per ABC. (If it burrows into rock at top speed to flee, it is possible that it could squirt out a swallowed victim in the liquid lava behind it in as little as a minute.)

If attacked from behind, the igneolid can sweep with its tail for 21–30 + 10 shock Harm, the (Physique) bonus ignoring armor. If attacked from the side, the igneolid can roll over to crush its opponents for 13–20 + 1–20 Harm (any way up is the same to it). Any person trapped underneath (LM’s call, depending on room to maneuver and a Disaster Avoidance Check, if appropriate) takes 1–10 Harm per ABC ignoring amour and cannot attack. Contact with the creature’s hot hide also inflicts 3–5 points of heat Harm per ABC. The igneolid can electrocute or swallow an opponent in the same ABC as using either or both of these attack forms.

Defense: The igneolid’s massive size and thick plate-studded leathery hide provide 18 points of armor against normal and preternatural attack forms, 9 against supernatural attack forms. It is completely immune to any type of heat, fire, venom, toxin, illusion, or mind control. Electrical attacks just supercharge it, adding +10 Harm to its lightning discharge for a number of ABCs equal to the Grade of the activation used on it.

(With thanks to Malcolm Bowers.)

Stone Mantis:

Appearing: 1

H: 161-180.  P: 20-25.  S: 3 attacking-moving backwards/15 moving ahead.

Attack: Gaseous discharge effect within 20 feet paralyzes air-breathing creatures failing Disaster Avoidance check each AB, two claws inflicting 9-30 Harm each, plus incidental acid secretion adding 13-16 points additional Harm when claw hit succeeds,

Defense: 10 armor protection due to chitinous skin.  See Creature Table above for immature Stone Mantis.

The stone mantis is a thing that was created by the Utiss as a sort of manual laborer. It is a creature partially of mineral sort and in part a giant insect.  This strange species is responsible for creating both passages and what some would consider as natural caverns within a mountain or beneath the surface of the land.  Indeed, many creatures live within these caverns, and many races often times develop them further into domiciles and communities.

The typical stone mantis is from 61 to 80 in length and can ranges form 10 to 15 feet in diameter.  The stone Mantis employs an acid compound that is excreted from a bulbous gland located on the opposite end of their mighty claws.  This acid partially dissolves rock, softens it.  One then employs its claws to tear into the rock, feeding on it.  The skin pods on its worm-like body serve to expel the byproduct gas from digestion, and this gas also serves as protection against possible danger.  The gas remains for 2-5 minutes and will paralyze any air-breathing creature within a radius of 20 feet.  Each stone mantis has 12 tentacles, and these serve as feelers for cracks in the rock, thus providing a more efficient routing beneath the surface.

Very rarely, if ever, will a creature of this sort venture above ground.  The presence a stone mantis is easily noted for the powerful gaseous discharge it omits creates a stench usually notable when within 200 feet of its location.

When feeding, a stone mantis moves at about a foot and a half to two feet per hour.  Its passage thus leaves behind a smoothed, shiny passageway of circular form.  The tunnel created by feeding is amazingly strong, nearly completely proof against cave-ins and even seismic shocks.  A stone mantis can move backwards at a Speed of 3, move along a tunnel normally as a surprisingly rapid rate of 15.

These creatures have a life span of about 200 years, reach maturity at around 50 years, have a breeding life of some 100 years.  After a male and female mate, the female will gestate eggs for two years, then deposit from 11 to 20 in a subterranean cul-de-sac.  Only about one-half of the eggs will hatch some six months thereafter.  For a year and a half after hatching, the stone mantis young are vulnerable to predators, for they have neither strong claws nor acid, lack a strong armor protection.  Mortality is high, and only about one in 100 stone mantis larva ever survives to adulthood.

A mature stone mantis will have in its digestive organs from 10-100 crystals and/or gems of from 41-70 carats size with a value per carat of from $1 to $100.  Immature ones will have a like number of gems and crystals, with a like value, but of smaller size—21-40 carats.

(With thanks to Sean Westerman.)

Rock Grubs in General:

Rock grubs are larva-like creatures that eat their way slowly through rock, breaking it down into sand and soil. Groups of them tunnel through the shallow rocks of the earth, leaving behind a distinctive maze of twisty little passages, all alike. The tunnels are usually roughly oval, 4–8 feet high, half that wide (and sandy-floored). What nutriment they search for is unknown, but they seem to avoid ores of value to intelligent races.

Rock Grub

Appearing: 11–20

H: 10  P: 30  S: 10

Attacks: If disturbed, a rock grub will attempt to repel a prospective attacker by spraying powdered rock at its face (the grub aims by sensing the breath). This expelled high-velocity debris stream extends 12 feet, and ignores protection not specific to the face. Maximum damage means the attacker is blinded for 3 ABs (less if he rinses his eyes before then), and must make a Disaster Avoidance Check (Speed BR x 4) or suffer permanent damage to the sight (d4 x 10% impairment). The rock grub thereafter attacks anyone who persists with a bite for 1-12 Harm. The rest of the group of rock grubs will join in, using their ability to clamber easily over walls and ceilings to advantage.

Defense: The rock grub’s small size and leathery hide (that is interlaced with metallic strands) provides 14 points of armor against normal attack forms.

Rock grubs look something like deep blue caterpillars: a circular boring head sits on a tapered body with three sets of six legs around its circumference, each ending in three-toed feet that can grip fast to walls and ceilings (and each other, when groups work on a rock face). The segmented disk-like mouthparts are faced with serried rows of teeth around a central orifice. Rock grubs can range in size from as small as a man’s forearm to as large as a small dog. They are blind but sensitive to air currents.

Wealth: Rock grubs may occasionally (10%) have nuggets of indigestible gold in their intestinal tracts (d6 x $50 worth). They also store extracted water in sacs in their bodies, about a cup each, and so may sometimes be sought by the desperately thirsty.

(With thanks to Malcolm Bowers.)


Appearing: 3-12

H: 25-30.  P: 30-35.  S: 6.

Attack: Clubbing blow inflicting 3-20 plus points of damage on a target struck, with a variable addition of 2-8 points added, the latter Harm always bypassing non-Extraordinary armor protection.

Defense: 20 armor protection against all normal attacks—including cold based, fire/heat and electrical ones.

Th’ashlar are subterranean life forms of bipedal, humanoid shape.  They move through solid rock at the rate of one foot per AB of time, seeking metal ores and crystals to feed upon.  When partially melded with natural rock, one is 90% undetectable from normal stone, and the individual thus in transition can move into the rock completely in a ABC of time, or step forth and move at full rate.  These creatures do not have visual organs, but in the open they sense vibrations within 100 feet of their location.

They are the natural foes of stone mantis, preying upon the immature of this species, themselves being preyed upon by the adults of the Stone Mantis.

(With thanks to Sean Westerman.)


Appearing: 2-8

H: 65.  P: 20.  S: 5 attacking or moving outside lava or magma, 15 attacking or moving within lava or magma.

Attack: Proximity of 10 feet causes 1-10 hear Harm, if actively attacking they can each hurl 10-pound globs of molten rock each ABC of time, inflicting 26-35 points of damage on a target struck, with “splash” Harm of 9-12 points possible for all subjects within a six-foot radius of the point of impact of the missile.

Defense: 18 armor protection against all normal attacks—cold inflicts double normal Harm.

The Health of a th’ore is regenerated at 1 point per ABC when they are in this natural environment.  When they are outside (not touching) the lava, they recover lost Health at the same rate does a Human—1 point per day of rest.

If confronted by cold, attacked thus, one will suffer twice the normal Harm to Health thus.  Such exposure sends a th’ore hastening to safety almost instantly.

Th’ore will not dwell far from a volcanic region where lava is abundant.  They submerge into the earth to where the magma is being expelled and live within obsidian walls that they have created beneath the surface right in the center of the magma’s hottest point.  They are very strong in nature, have a capacity to lift ten times the weight a normal man can (Physique 500).  Due to their need for high temperature, constant heat, th’ore are very rarely seen anywhere far distant from lava or magma.

These vaguely humanoid, bipedal creatures average 7 to 10 feet in height and dwell within molten lava.  These creatures are not hostile and can be communicated with only by means of telepathy.  They possess the capacity to construct weapons, shields, or anything that can be made of metal for that matter within just a few hours time, depending on the density or strength of the metal desired, and the complexity of the construction.  General times required are:

Iron: one-half hour to separate

Steel: one hour to alloy

Steel alloyed with tilferium: four hours to alloy

Mace, iron: one-half hour to fashion

Buckler, steel: one-half hour to fashion

Axe head, steel: one-half hour to fashion

Dagger, steel: two hours to fashion

Sword, steel: four hours to fashion

Steel plate armor, half: six hours to fashion

Steel plate armor, full: 10 hours to fashion

Objects created by th’ore must be paid for in crystals and/or gemstones at a rate equal to the cost of a like item.  The objects so crafted are not magical in any way but will be of highest quality, made with their bare hands of the worker.  The item will have an obsidian-black finish with a fine polish and bearing razor- sharp edges if such are present in the object.   The weight of these items will be equivalent to that of the same type of item normally created by a smith.  Any item will have a symbol marking the identity of its th’ore maker.

Treasure within the dwelling of a th’ore group will be in crystals and gems, each possessing 10-100 of such objects.  Value of each crystal or gem varies from $200 to $2,000 per carat, with a carat-weight variable of 1-30 per, re-rolling all 30s, a score above 10 indicating the addition of 1-30 more carats weight.

(With thanks to Sean Westerman.)

Xagmites in General:

Xagmites are creatures an inch or so in diameter, possibly of elemental origin, that melt their way through rock in search of precious minerals. Swarms of them tunnel slowly through the deeps of the earth, usually following the veins of the ore on which they live. They have been known to travel in magma flows, and eruptions have brought some to the surface.

Xagmites are large reddish-brown, mite-like, looking roughly like oval coins in size and shape, with eight flat, inward-pointing legs under their bodies. They can scuttle easily over any surface: walls, ceilings, and avatars included. Miners have made efforts to exterminate them, to such effect that they are now reasonably rare, but rumors persist of thousand-strong swarms in deep places in the earth. In the absence of metal or gem ore they become dormant, and can remain in this state for many decades, until aroused by the odor of nutriment. Xagmites are a bane to adventurers and miners, but less than they could be. They are inefficient feeders, and leave a lot behind. Sometimes their melting out of a seam of precious metal ore can even be useful. Furthermore, too rich a diet poisons their systems. Three meals in a row of refined metal or gem material will kill them. Treasure hoards thus suffer only limited harm from their depredations. Adventurers can easily delay or distract them by throwing down quantities of gems and coins before the xagmites get to their magic rings and jeweled dagger hilts.


Appearing: 10–200

H: 1 P: 20 S: 12

Attacks: Xagmites are irresistibly attracted to refined metals and most gems. They heat themselves enough to melt the articles upon which they cluster, then ingest the resultant liquid. This not only destroys the items but also causes incidental damage to those wearing or carrying such tasty treats.

The LM should assign probabilities that articles will be targeted based roughly on material value. Xagmites will go after gems (except diamonds, which burn rather than melt) and precious metal (platinum, gold, silver, copper) in preference to ferrous metal. They can eat no more than an ounce of such concentrated nutriment in one meal (and four hours).

Attack: The xagmites swarm over reachable items in 1 ABC. Each xagmite then heats up, glowing red on the first ABC, then orange, yellow, and finally white hot on the fourth and subsequent ABCs, doing 1, 2, 3, and 4 points of heat Harm respectively to the item (if it can be affected). When the item or a portion of it is molten (destroyed) the xagmite ingests it. The damage to the possessor depends on the size of the item, covering or padding, and how quickly the possessor discards it. (LM’s call: see LML p. 134, Fire.)

Defense: The Xagmite’s small size and fast movement provide 1 point of armor against normal attack forms. Its carapace is thin and ceramic-like, providing protection from most insectivores, but not from a booted foot or mailed fist! It is completely immune to heat and fire of any type. Magical cold can kill one, but water only slows its heating effects for one ABC.

An unreliable and reportedly mad savant claims that the following bit is, although usually left out of standard accounts, correct and should be included in the creatures’ description:

Xagmites were originally called ‘magmites’ because they were mites found in magma. The sage Xagryar was the first to study them, and established that they were attracted to, and melted, metals and gems. Sadly, while he took precautions to avoid keeping metal on his person, he one day forgot he was wearing his gem-studded leather underwear, and suffered a terrible fate. The creatures were renamed in memoriam.

(With thanks to Malcolm Bowers.)



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